Photograph of a stack of books on the subject of university history

M.Sc. History of Sciences

Master’s programme “History of Sciences”
Photograph of a stack of books on the subject of university history
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Content of the study programme

The Master’s programme “History of Sciences” is directed towards Bachelor’s graduates from both the MINT fields (mathematics, information technology, sciences, technology) and humanities and social sciences. Students who study with us will receive a comprehensive insight into the history of sciences from antiquity up to the 21st century, but will also deal with theoretical and ethical questions surrounding science and technology. They will learn methods currently used in the history of science. The programme aims to make a historical-critical analysis of the role of sciences in modern society.

As a so-called “small discipline”, the history of science is characterised by a high level of interdisciplinarity, internationality and excellent supervisory relationships. The interdisciplinary character of the rogramme offers the opportunity to discover other knowledge cultures beyond the boundaries of one’s own discipline. The high level of internationality is reflected in the course material and in the chance to study abroad for a semester. An extraordinary supervisory structure and the principle of learning by research enables a self-determined course of studies. From early on, we invite you to work out independently chosen questions and support you in your individual specializations. In the research and in-depth module, you can study a topic of your own choice. In a project module, you can expand the theoretical knowledge you have acquired through practical experience with regard to a professional or scientific orientation.

Overview of the courses SoSe 2024pdf, 163 kb · de


Degree of stdy Master of Science
Study time 4 semester
Credits/ECTS 120
Teaching language german
Fee/Charges none
Semester fee 260,30  € (for first-time and new students)
start of study Winter or summer term
Part time possible yes

Fakultät für Biowissenschaften de

Professur für Geschichte und Philosophie der Naturwissenschaften de

Sample Study Plan

Musterstudienplan des Masterstudiengangs Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften
Musterstudienplan des Masterstudiengangs Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften
Image: Professur für Geschichte und Philosophie der Naturwissenschaften

A look behind the scenes

  • Präparate von Radiolarien auf Objektträgern
    Image: Bastienne Karg
    Research workshop

    Students examine the radiolarian illustrations by Ernst Haeckel

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Programme Coordination & Subject Advisory

Florence Vienne, Dr
Professorship History and Philosophy of Life Sciences
Ernst-Haeckel-Haus, Room D201
Berggasse 7
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link